Is Reiki for everybody?
Yes, absolutely. Everybody can benefit from a Reiki session. Children, elders and debilitated people receive shorter sessions just because they seem to need less time.
What are the contraindications for a Reiki treatment?
There are no contraindications. Reiki is never harmful.
What conditions can be cured with Reiki?
Reiki doesn't "cure" any conditions and does not replace proper care from a health provider.
However, Reiki seems to support the capacity of the body to heal itself. People feel deeply relaxed after receiving a Reiki treatment. Relaxation is needed to decrease stress hormones and to allow the body to regenerate and reparair tissues. Although research on Reiki is still limited, research on Reiki has shown that it helps wounds heal faster, relieves anxiety and depression, energizes, relieves pain and helps control stress. It is widely used with terminally ill patients throughout the world. Twenty percent of the hospitals in the U.S. use Reiki.
Why should I come for a Reiki sessions if I am healthy?
Reiki can help you keep you in balance. I works similar to a "rebooting" of the system. People experience a feeling of deep wellbeing after a session. Interestingly enough, some people just want to rest after a session, while others feel really energized. The effect seems to depend on the needs of the body.
If I am having surgery, can Reiki help me in any way?
Actually, there are small studies showing that people heal faster, with less complications and require less pain killers if they receive Reiki before and after surgery.
What about cancer, should I receive Reiki while I am in treatment for cancer?
Please go to our cancer page for more information on cancer and alternative therapies. Reiki will support your treatment.