Our educational programs are based on the belief that each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through community networking, connecting to nature, and developing spiritual values such as compassion and peace.
We attract people who have an intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love for learning. People who want to step out of the “pop-a-pill-culture" and have decided to take responsibility for their own health by leading healthier lifestyles.
Our professional services are also based on a systemic approach that follows the principle that the whole is more that the sum of its component parts. When we treat an individual, a couple or a family, we see them within their context. We are focused on health, not on illness.
We focus on the strengths, not weaknesses. We discuss solutions, not focus on the problems. We do believe that we have an intelligent inner healer that, if supported, will maintain the necessary homeostasis to grant us health.
Our vision is multidimensional. We consider that the body is not only physical, but also emotional, mental, social and spiritual and that a healing arts professional needs to address all aspects of the human being to be able to provide the needed support for healing.
For appointments call:
(239) 948-9444