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Hypnosis helps you reduce stress

Did you know that hypnosis could help you lose weight, quit smoking and reduce stress?

Hypnosis has become mainstream thanks to the ongoing movement towards integration of Eastern and Western knowledge and wisdom.

Consumers have recognized the tremendous power of using hypnosis to help them with everyday problems such as weight loss, smoking cessation, memory improvement, nail biting, boosting confidence, concentration, test taking, and stress management. We hear and read about “being in the moment” and “the mind-body connection.”  Well, hypnosis is the very embodiment of these two concepts.

Here is a good article about hypnosis published by the New York Times

What is hypnosis?                                                        Top ^
Hypnosis is a state of intense focus and concentration for the purpose of achieving a goal. It is not a magic bullet or a panacea. 

* How does it work?                                                       
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Many people are curious about how hypnosis works.  The most important characteristics that one needs to have success with hypnosis are a strong imagination and the ability to focus or concentrate.  In hypnosis, it is the subconscious part of the mind that is working for you.  The subconscious mind  is open to new suggestions, does not analyze, critique or evaluate suggestions the way our conscious mind does. With hypnosis, the individual is very relaxed, feels safe and comfortable and it is extremely easy for the subconscious mind to take up a positive suggestion and with practice and concentration, affectt changes in their behavior, sensations, undesired habits, and improve their memory, ability to focus, and feel better about themselves. Hypnosis can support nearly any change in behavior as long as it is acceptable to the individual and given they practice the technique.  As with anything, progress takes effort and ownership. Most people find in hypnosis such a pleasurable feeling  that they look forward to practice.  

What does it take for an individual to have success with hypnosis?  
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First and foremost anyone is capable of being hypnotized as long as they are not opposed to it.  Even when people ask for hypnosis, I always ask if they have any aversion or fear of hypnosis.  The majority does not.  For those who do, I explain the way that hypnosis works and that they are always in control.  There is no risk of mind manipulation because the mind will not do anything that it believes is unacceptable or harmful.  There are also exercises that help predict the ease with which a person is likely to be hypnotized.

In fact, hypnosis should never be performed on anyone without his or her written consent.  Individuals are also advised to confer with their physician or health care provider, if they have concerns.

Hypnosis for weight loss                                                    
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While diet and exercise are still the mainstays of weight loss, hypnosis and self-hypnosis are very valuable tools in controlling and re-programming eating habits.  Hypnosis helps people who overeat or raid the pantry at midnight.  There are numerous effective techniques that hypnotists use to support weight loss.  As with all goals, the key is truly wanting to make the change and being ready to implement it

For smoking cessation                                                          
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For a person to be successful with hypnosis, the individual must be ready to make the change. Being ready to make the change is also a critical requirement for smoking cessation. When a person is committed to the goal and ready to actually stop smoking, that would be the best time to contact the hypnotist.  Following this guideline will increase the individual’s probability of attaining their goal.
There are many triggers and cues related to smoking and hypnosis is excellent at helping the individual deal effectively with these issues.  
Let me share an example of this person who had stopped smoking for a year, she called her hypnotist one day and said, “I am going to smoke a cigarette; help!”  The hypnotist took precautions to make sure the person was sitting down in a safe and secure environment and then proceeded to help her over the phone by giving her positive suggestions about the benefit of not smoking. To date, the woman has not picked up a cigarette. Positive suggestions and having the tools to resist strong temptation can make all the difference.

* Hypnosis for stress reduction                                          
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One of the most valuable tools for mastering stress and anxiety is again the faithful use of self-hypnosis.  Stress is extremely deleterious to one’s health, research shows  a correlation between stress and heart disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses.  Again hypnosis offers, a great tool for managing stress.  
Stress has become a way of life in the last three decades with the many sociological changes we have lived through. Over half of all women work outside of the home and must balance work requirements with a healthy family life. Time is one of the most precious commodities. In the executive and corporate world, time is everything---meeting deadlines, staying ahead of the competition, multi-tasking, and sensory overload.  This is not merely confined to the corporate world.  People are in a hurry for just about everything. In retail, employees must not let customers wait  when there is a long line of people to be served.  The same principle applies to restaurants, banks, and grocery stores.  
Sometimes I enjoy telling someone to go ahead of me in a line, just to see the relief and joy on their face. 
Hypnosis cannot take away the time compression that we all suffer, but it can do amazing things to promote relaxation and a sense of well being. Taking ten minutes out of your day to do self-hypnosis can mean a healthier and happier life for you. It is most effective if done twice a day while you are programming yourself to this valuable new tool.  

LINDA CUPIT                                                                          Top ^

Linda Cupit, ARNP, CHT will join the center’s team in the first week of March. She will be offering hypnosis sessions to help you lose weight, quit smoking, or reduce stress.

Linda’s desire to address the needs of the whole person has led her to complement her career as a nurse with the study of Qi Gong in China and later hypnosis at the New York Center for Hypnosis. She is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists as a consulting hypnotist. The NGH is the world’s largest professional organization for hypnotists.

Linda’s background as an Advanced Practice Nurse (ARNP) with a master’s degree led her into setting up the first Wellness Center in New York City and bringing hypnosis for stress management, weight loss and smoking cessation to the centers she later founded.

Her interest in hypnosis flows naturally from her 30 years career as a nurse, educator, consultant and hospital administrator in New York City during which she opened forward-thinking Community Wellness Centers, Mammography and Breast Centers, all with the mission of bringing services directly to the consumer.

“I already feel at home at Eyes Wide Open. I believe this holistic center is at the forefront of a new concept in healthcare that understands the need to embrace complementary and alternative health options, such as hypnosis, yoga, meditation, massage and aromatherapy to meet the growing demand from people seeking to prevent illness, cultivate wellbeing and maintain inner peace,” Linda said.

Linda has received numerous awards for her innovative work in community wellness and with children with special needs.

For appointments please call:
(239) 272-1737 and for more information call Eyes Wide Open at (239) 948-9444 

CLICK BELOW to listen to Linda Cupit as a guest on


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