We humans seem to be mired in strife. Sometimes, it almost seems a part of who we are as a species. But is that really our natural state? Might it be possible for us to rise above the hatred, greed, and resentments that seem such integral parts of our daily lives? Can we put aside our grievances—in our families, our jobs, and our personal associations—and learn to approach each other with love? Can we come to truly care for each other on a global level? In these pages, Dr. Silvia Casabianca argues that, in fact, humans are hardwired for love and compassion. These gifts reside in our genes, our physiology, our chemistry. And they can be nurtured and developed. They can be harnessed and used to solve many of the problems we struggle with—from the interpersonal to the geopolitical. Millennia of human experience have led us to this moment, when we are perhaps finally ready to weave together all we’ve learned about the mind, body, and soul and come to recognize, embrace, and enact our true, loving nature.
Dr. Casabianca’s message is one of hope for all. Through the ideas and practices explored in this book, we can heal ourselves, our families, our governments, and even our planet.
Tom Wallace, editor